I am a Cincinnati native self-taught artist. Bird Series takes a critical view of environmental preservation, renewal and devastation. As is most of my art, this body of work is also a self portrait. On an intimate level this series addresses personal freedom, intuition, strength and exposes my tendencies of combining order with chaos. As well within each piece I have incorporated elements with hidden meaning.
Bird Series is a deliberately imperfect, whimsical celebration of colors, lines and shapes that appear both in nature and in current trends of design. The inspiration for this series stems from materials I collected the last two years from the Zero-Landfill Cincinnati Project. The tools used to create these works range from the usual artist brushes to objects around the house.
Each painting incorporates birds and circles. Both were unplanned but happened to show up more and more as I continued working. During this process the circles began to represent femininity and the birds, freedom. Each new interpretation using these two elements creates a series of work that is open, fresh and sometimes mysterious.
Angie I love your art. These are my favorite colors love mom